The value of values

Applying psychology in matchmaking is at the core of how we work and I explain why.

Maclynn International was founded by relationship expert Rachel Maclynn. In our 8-year history, we have set up thousands of successful, long-term relationships and won multiple awards, both domestically and internationally.

Matchmaking is based around bringing people together in accordance with their deepest-held values, and this inevitably leads us as matchmakers to the implementation of psychological methodology in finding our clients their ultimate partners.

It’s all about getting inside our client’s head by applying psychology in matchmaking, opening the doors to see what they truly want out of life and a relationship. What are their politics, religious beliefs, views on current affairs? How do they feel about work-life balance, money, travel? – and that’s way before getting down to deal-breakers such as family, marriage and children.

Defining values

And what is a value, anyway? Psychologists Suzanne Smith and Raeann Hamon describe it in their seminal book Exploring Family Theories as an

“appraisal of what is desirable, worthwhile and proper. Values lend meaning to life and help to shape goals and provide direction.”

So despite values being quite clearly definable, love remains an enigma. It is subject to the idiosyncrasies that make every one of us unique.

As a matchmaker, I require a knack for understanding exactly what makes my client tick, before considering their compatibility with every potential match by going over the latter’s profiles with a proverbial fine-toothed comb.

So how does employing the services of a love professional differ from regular dating?

Delving deep by using psychology in matchmaking

It’s not uncommon for a singleton who is looking for love to rush the courting experience. They might be so eager to find a partner, build a home, start a family even, that they ‘settle’. However, this sadly often leads to cracks developing down the line as the couple realize – sometimes too late – that they are not as compatible as they had initially hoped.

In contrast, the matchmakers here at Maclynn International follow a tried and tested method of applying psychology in matchmaking and match only those people who are seeking a mature, meaningful, long-term romantic relationship with likeminded, intelligent, dynamic individual who is also looking to settle down with someone amazing.

We accomplish this by way of in-depth profiling and sustained contact with our clients through the trials and tribulations of the dating scene. Take a client I met with only last week:

“Does he want children?” she asked me, looking over a potential match’s profile.

“Absolutely!” I replied.

“But will he mind that I’m a divorcee?” she continued.

Most online platforms simply do not provide this level of information. This can lead to people getting together, only to discover later on that they actually have a deep-rooted compatibility issue. It’s difficult, even downright socially frowned upon, to bring up such deep questions at the beginning of a relationship.

By utilizing a matchmaker and their intimate knowledge of their clients’ deepest desires, however, you bypass this obstacle and get on with what really matters: solidifying your romance with a highly compatible love interest.

(Incidentally, he didn’t mind that she was a divorcee. He himself was one, and they’re already planning their third date!).

Common ground leads to happiness

During our unique compatibility profiling sessions, we apply psychology in matchmaking; we discuss with our clients what they want out of a relationship and what they value the most. Are they especially career-driven and yearning to meet a fellow high-flier? Or perhaps they aren’t so focused on work, instead wanting to meet someone with an insatiable desire to travel the world?

By hiring a matchmaker, you hire a professional with an intuitive understanding of the nuances (and, indeed, foibles) of every individual on their books. The benefits of this are clear.

Look no further than psychologists John Gottman and Nan Silver, whose book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work clearly outlines how married couples who agree more strongly on their strongest-held deal-breaking values have significantly higher marital satisfaction.

Our commitment to Maclynn clients

At Maclynn International, you are guaranteed introductions only to people who hold the same values, aspirations, beliefs, dreams, goals. While it’s difficult to really put a metric on ‘success’ when it comes to love – a second date? marriage? children? – a matchmaker is a person, not a computer, and they will treat you as such, too.

Every individual is thoroughly vetted before you meet them, meaning you can bypass any anxiety that the two of you won’t have anything in common, allowing you to go out and enjoy the date of your dreams. Every one of our clients goes on an intensely personal journey, but there’s no greater job satisfaction to be had than in finding someone their true love.

Partner with our love and dating experts

There’s no doubt whatsoever that Maclynn International’s psychology-led compatibility profiling methodology is the reason behind our immense success and multiple prestigious awards. If you’re looking for love and want to meet someone so compatible you can scarcely believe your luck, contact Maclynn International today and take your first step on the road toward finding your ultimate partner.