It’s one of the biggest days of your life. We often imagine the moment since we’re young kids, envisioning Prince Charming sweeping us off our feet and right into a happy marriage. But popping the question, in actuality, can be quite a daunting process to undertake. It takes thought, planning, and the guts to follow through while knowing it’s a day guaranteed to be remembered by you and your partner forever. No pressure, right?

We’ve compiled a list of pointers in celebration of National Proposal Day that happened on March 20th to help ease the stress of getting on one knee. It’s one of the happiest moments in life and here at Maclynn, we’d love to assist in making it a little happier any way we can. So continue reading below to learn more on how you can best prep for this memorable day.

Make sure you’re both ready for marriage

While this one seems common sense, it’s important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page about what the future holds. Talk to your partner about where they see your relationship going and what goals they might have for you two. Make sure to let them know that marriage is on your radar, and if you’re worried about it sounding too much like you’re proposing – don’t stress! There are ways to breach the topic without adding pressure. Maybe discuss your friend’s recent engagement or tell the story about your brother’s proposal.

Selecting the ring

This part can be tricky without cluing your partner in. So be strategic and think outside the box. Take a couple of photos of their favorite jewelry. A good jeweler will be able to use these to assist in choosing a similar style. Consider looking at their Pinterest boards if you two have already discussed your plans of marriage – your partner may be keeping a public portfolio on their favorite engagement rings without you even realizing it. Friends or family may be able to help you here as well! Ask their BFF to casually bring it up sometime and share the feedback with you.

Planning the event

Whether it be an intimate moment between just you two or a grand gesture with an audience, be true to who you are as a couple. Consider what you could do to make it extra special – involve their friends or family, pick a sentimental location, or use the element of surprise to enhance an already exciting moment. Something simple like adding candles for ambience or going to that special location during sunset rather than midday can make a huge difference (while having little to no effect on budget).

Write out your script

It doesn’t have to be anything too formal, but it’s a good idea to take some notes on how you’d like to phrase the question. Will you go the traditional route, cut to the chase, and simply ask the big question ‘’will you marry me?’’ Or are you inclined to take a more personalized approach, maybe quoting your shared favorite song or movie? Either way, you’ll likely be feeling a bit nervous and having a plan can help alleviate the stress of ensuring everything goes right.

Consider bringing in the professionals

You and you partner are going to remember this moment for the rest of your lives. Investing in a little extra help can go a long way. Photographers are a common go-to but there are entire companies dedicated to perfecting the art of the proposal. Be creative and don’t be afraid to ask for help from the people around you. Talk the manager of your venue on how they can best assist. If you’re popping the question at a restaurant, can they come with champagne ready? Small touches like this can make a big difference!

We hope these proposal tips spark some inspiration for you in celebration of National Proposal Day. Here at Maclynn International, we’re in support of all things love! Hop on a call today with one of our date coaches for more advice on how to make the proposal extra special. Not feeling ready to take the plunge with your partner and unsure why? Try the Your Dating Blueprint consultation program with our in-house experts, Madeleine Mason Roantree, to explore and understand your romantic life and where it currently stands. As experts in the field, we’re here to help people at all stages of their love journey.