The root of the word elopement means to leap. Elopements date back to the 14th century but became popular during the Great Depression where throwing money at a wedding seemed impractical. Sound relatable? We began to see the popularity of elopements resurface during the pandemic, and now in this economy, it may still be the best choice for some couples.

Why Elope?

Eloping might conjure images of young lovers running away in secret to marry, but the modern elopement is a far cry from that. It’s a choice made consciously by couples for a variety of reasons.

Keep it Intimate and Private

Why are you getting married to begin with? To have and to hold, until death do you part. It’s all quite personal and about your love. While sharing this momentous occasion with 50 or even 100 of your closest family members and friends is exciting and memorable, it takes away from the intimacy that is your love. Sometimes vows can feel like a performance, and many couples want it to be a moment that’s special and personal.

Avoid Breaking the Bank

According to and CNN, the average U.S. wedding in 2023 costs $29,000. That’s the average. People in the wedding industry say it’s at a record high because of inflation but also because it’s trendy for couples to go all out for their big day.

With this kind of demand, vendors and venues can upcharge as they want and can. Wedding planners told that couples are looking for a “wow” factor and post-covid, they want to invite everyone. It sounds like these extravagant weddings are not only a day of holy matrimony, but a way to make up for the lost time of socializing we experienced during the pandemic.

Steer Clear of Stress and Drama

In a world of wedding drama, elopements are a liberating choice for modern brides. Eloping offers an intimate, drama-free path to sealing commitment. With elopement, brides avoid the pressures of societal expectations and familial disagreements, focusing solely on their partner and the authentic essence of their union.

The simplicity of eloping allows couples to cherish the special moments of their love story without distractions of extended family and friends, emphasizing the significance of their bond over extravagant affairs. It’s a choice that is free of external influences.

What will the Future of Eloping look like?

In the coming years, we’ll see a surge in couples opting to elope. Why? It’s uncomplicated and heartfelt. We’ll see a rise in couples opting for a private affair, focusing on their love rather than the extravagance. The future of weddings is intimate, personal, and meaningful—just the couple, sharing promises, and cherishing the start of their lifelong journey. It’s a shift towards genuine connections, away from the elaborate displays of the past.

Is Elopement right for me?

Big weddings are for those who are comfortable being the center of attention, who dream of a huge bash with family and friends. Picture dancing, laughter, and a memory-filled extravaganza. On the flip side, elopement is like a private, romantic getaway, where it’s all about the two of you, sharing promises in an intimate setting.

Now, consider your pocket. Big weddings often mean big spending—venue, food, and decor, which all adds up. If that hefty price tag isn’t your cup of tea, elopement can keep your wallet happy.

Stress is another factor. Planning a massive celebration can be a whirlwind of decisions and stress. If you’re all about simplicity and a stress-free start to marital happiness, eloping could be the answer.

Family dynamics play a role too. If family opinions or disagreements cloud your wedding vision, elopement lets you bypass all that. But, let’s not forget the magic of sharing your day with loved ones at a grand celebration. It’s that moment of togetherness, celebrating love surrounded by those who mean the most.

Ultimately, it’s about what feels right in your heart. Listen to your desires, weigh the pros and cons, and choose what fits your love story best. Whether big or small, it’s your day, your love, and your beautiful beginning!

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