What Does a Dating Coach Service Involve?

The date coaching experience differs for everyone because every single man and woman and every couple, experience different problems. Our team works to help you feel more in control of your personal dating life – whether you’re single or in a long-term relationship. We will discuss parts of your dating life you feel you’re struggling with, whether it’s confidence, frustrations over meeting the wrong people, not finding the time to meet people or simply not knowing how to get back into professional dating in the dating world.  

In essence, our experienced date coaches help you to understand what might be getting in the way of your progress regarding meeting new people or taking your relationship to the next level. Whether you’re struggling with an age gap issue in your current relationship, or you have recently endured a tough breakup; date coaching helps you get back to your best and approach relationships in a positive and healthy manner. We offer exceptional and appropriate support in all dating contexts. To book your private consultation with one of our experienced dating coaches and start meeting new women or men, please contact us via email or by calling directly.


Our Core Date Coaching Services

A Focus on Dating Strategy

If you aren’t happy or confident with how you’re dating, this part of our service is ideal for you. The Dating Blueprint (coined by the relationship experts at Maclynn International) which involves a two-hour consultation where we help you overcome fears, roadblock and instances that stop you from progressing in your modern dating life. 

Relationship Counselling

Relationship counselling is one of the most important aspects of date coaching. It’s not uncommon to be in a relationship and sometimes feel unhappy, misunderstood or not heard. Our aim is to help you make your future and current relationship strong and healthy through our backgrounds in psychology. We offer both one on one private consulting as well as couples counselling; we can discuss what you would feel most comfortable with and what would be most appropriate. 

Our team are trained in a variety of  psychological and therapeutic interventions, including CBT, psychosexual therapy, person-centred therapy, psychodynamic therapy, applied positive psychology, mindfulness and more.

Webinars, Workshops & Talks

Alongside the above, we also offer a number of fantastic webinars and workshops to help you focus on making your current and future relationships better and generally adopting a more positive mindset. These sessions are designed to help you succeed in dating and are delivered by our expert team.


How Date Coaching Works for Men & Women

Maclynn International are a growing team of relationship experts and highly experienced dating experts who specialise in identifying perfect matches for eligible single men and women. Alongside this, we offer a completely personal and private date coach service to those struggling in their current relationships and eligible single men and women who are struggling in the dating world. 

  • An Emphasis on Self-Improvement

We place a firm emphasis on self-improvement in our dating coach service. Date coaching isn’t just about addressing the core issue, but instead learning why you may feel this way, what caused it and ultimately reshape your thinking so you can enter new relationships feeling confident and empowered. Regardless of how far along you are in your relationship journey, our experienced date coaches can help.

  • Face-to-Face Consultations 

We offer sessions face-to-face or via video call. Our mission is to help you achieve your individual goals by identifying and addressing any concerns, as well as teaching you strategies to keep your relationship healthy and strong. With early intervention, we can help prevent issues before they arise. If you want to improve anything, whether that be navigating through the world of dating, taking your relationship to the next level, enhancing intimacy, improving communication and generally staying emotionally healthy, we can help you.


Arrange Your Personal Consultation With Our Dating Coaches Today

After contacting our friendly team, we will help you to understand more about our date coaching process and will also be able to help with any questions you have. For more information or to book your private consultation, get in touch with Maclynn International today.